Monday, January 15, 2007


I am ever ecstatic to share my passion for the English Language in any possible way. I was absolutely jubilant when I received the invitation. Accumulating an effusive vocabulary has been a pet pastime of mine for the last seven or so years. We had just begun homeschooling and the book Mama was reading to Margaret and me at bedtime was Anne of Green Gables. We made tedious progress through the first chapter, me interrupting every ten seconds, in need of the explanations of such trivialities as decorum, conscious, auxiliary, gauntlet, et al. Margaret put into words what I had not the vocabulary to express, "this is pathetic!". I resolved, thereon out, to acquire the means of communicating something other than "um, like, ya know, yeah!". This addicted me to the beauty, charm, and stateliness of words, and I have not been able to leave off since.

For me, words needn't be extravagant, obscure, or challenging to ensnare my interest. They do require a particular ring, and they have to flatter their context so precisely that it's difficult to select favorites. However, one that provides full rhythm and resonance even when extracted from its paragraph is platitudinous. I'll have to meditate for a while and conjure up some more of that variety. Such words are delicious just to roll around in your mouth and savor.
I am profoundly loquacious, I believe, everywhere except on blogs. I never seem to remember to pour out my multiloquous meanderings into posts.

1 comment:

Hans Georg Lundahl said...

nVVnVnVnnVVn - vocalic/not
CnCnnCnnCnCC - consonantic/not
DCDDDDCDC?DD - compact/diffuse
LTLLTLTLLLLL - lax/tense
nVVVVnVVnVVn - voiced/not
nnnnnnnnnnNn - nasal/not
CCCCCDCCCCCC - discontinuant/continuant
SnnnnnnnSnnS - strident/not
HHHHLHHHH?HH - high/low

using Roman Jakobsen's trait-analysis (in which glides like y and w are neither vocalic nor consonantic, and in which liquids like l and r - i've added nasals - are both)